Friday, December 16, 2005

The First Day of Christmas

This year, we began the "12 Days of Christmas." On the first night we painted Christmas ornaments while you, Ayjia, painted Christmas ornaments AND yourself.




Hmmmm...not sure you are supposed to EAT the paint.



An Asian Malaysian Visits an Ayjia'n

Your best friend Ivan came to visit. The Ayjia news crew was there to capture all the action.

See, you guys even matched.

Who's more interested? Ayjia or Ivan?

I think the answer is Ivan.

Ayjia Goes on a Play Date at Brinie's



Fun Making Brownies



Monday, December 12, 2005

One Happy Baby

Just a picture of a smile to make you smile.

Friday, December 09, 2005

A Low-Quality Sneek Peak at Ayjia's Christmas Photos

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If we have your address, then you're getting a special picture in the mail shortly. But, if we don't have your address, you can at least see what some of Ayjia's Christmas photos look like. Of course, we're not going to spoil the picture that we sent in the's just too cute. Maybe we'll post it early next year. Or, if you want one, send us your address...Merry Christmas everyone. Note that we highly recommend listening to both Harry Connick Jr's and Diana Krall's Christmas CD's to get in the holiday spirit.

I Can't Like It

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Well, we made it through holiday number 1 this season w/ no lost limbs. Sorry for the lack of updates, but we've been doing important things like cooking turkey for 20 people (and again by "we", i mean "mom"). But, it's not like Dad has been sitting around doing nothing of importance. You see, your good old dad has been making sure that the house is technoligically up-to-date by installing the much-coveted Xbox 360. See, Dads are good for something.

Anyways, you've been working on some stuff yourself lately. First of all, you're more self-confident/self assured than ever. Anytime we try and help you with ANYTHING, you say, "No, I'll do it." Now, if only you could extend that to household, "Ayjia, I'm going to wash the car.".... "No, I'll do it!!" ...."Okay, fine, you do it."

You've also been saying, "I can't like it" lately when we give you food you don't like. For example, we tried to give you some dark chocolate, but apparently, like your dad, you only like milk chocolate. So, you took a bite, spit it out, and then said, "I can't like it!"

Very cute, kid.

Speaking of food, you found a new food you like...Flaming Hot Cheetos. What's funny is that you don't seem to find them very hot at all. You rock. We've also been feeding you Top Ramen lately (i know, we feed you so healthily) and you've been digging that. See, we're just getting you ready for a different way than most parents.

The pictures above are from out Twisted Thanksgiving 4 party at Mikuni. Your outfit was so cute that your Aunt Stina had to give you kisses. And, of course you techno-geek dad was there to capture all the fun.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Nine Reasons You Are Super Cute

1. When asked, "Are you a boy or a girl?" responded, "I'm Ayjia."

2. When you see a Christmas Tree, you call it a "Santa Claus" Tree

3. You dress like Mary Kate and Ashely Olsen
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4. You wear "Thanksgiving" outfits.
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5. You lie down on the hard, tile floor for no reason
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6. You have afternoon tea with the Sith
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7. You try to be a pirate
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8. You live with dogs...and this boxer.
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9. Because you just are
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Friday, November 04, 2005

Happy Anniversary! Can You Believe We've Been Posting For a Year!?

So, it's officially been one year of posting today. Wow! We rock! We weren't expecting to last much longer than 3 months. And, although there were times when the postings rolled in...ummm...slowly....for the most part we've been good at posting every 3 or 4 days. And now we have over 100 posts under our belt!
(Note: Ayjia, you didn't think this blog was about you did you? No, we're praising ourselves right now! You've had your time in the splotlight! Now it's our turn! What have you done in the past year besides eat food and drain dad's wallet, huh? Yeah, that's what I thought.)

We thought a good way to celebrate the past year was to include links to some of our favorite postings. Hope you enjoy this walk down memory lane!

The Post The Started It All
This One Leaves A Bad Taste In Your Mouth
An Exciting Comedic Adventure
A Funny Moment In Public
Pure, Comedic Genius
Our Only Posting In a Different Language....British
The Best Pictures
And More Pictures From Hawaii

Tigger Treat

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You actually had a Tigger Mask...but you didn't like wearing this is the best picture we got of you in your costume.

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Our little girl w/ Glamma before going Trick-Or-Treating.

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You rode this horse/dog (look how tall this thing is) while trick or treating.

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And, after about a block, you were ready to go home. Here's you falling asleep on momma until...

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Probably the scariest picture that's been taken of you since you've been born. This was Uncle Brother's axe that he used for his costume.

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So innocent...yet....not.

Ayjia Gets Her First Car..Dad Cries Himself To Sleep

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So, Grandpa decided to buy you a car. When dad saw this, he said, "Great! Ayjia can dirve this when she's 38!"

Monday, October 24, 2005

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Back In Hawaii For The First Time

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OK, stick your finger in that hole and see if a crab bites it off.

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Basically, this is the best picture ever taken of you....except for those damn people in the background! Who are you! And why did you ruin our photo! Anyone have photoshop?

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OK...we took the picture again..this time w/o the people and w/o you LOOKING AT THE CAMERA!

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Crack kills.

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In case you were wondering what Ayjia's "I-just-did-something-and-didn't-get-caught-yet" look it is. Problem is, we never found out what she did.

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That ALMOST looks like a fake smile kid.

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Yeah, I'd be freaked out by a snail that was half as big as my head too.

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The best restaurant in Maui also has one of the best views. Go to Ma La if you're ever there. You'll thank us later.

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So, what should we do while we're in Maui? I KNOW, we'll do the same thing we do while we're at home! Stay in bed!

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So, we obviously went back to Maui. We wanted to get more pictures of you (we took 120 this time! sheesh!), so we went back. OK, that's not why...we went because we had free lodging and dad had a free, uh, why NOT go back?

A few funny things happened while we were there. First, we were driving and we were all cranky from the flight. Well, because people on Maui move as fast as the snail pictured above, we shouldn't have been surprised to find someone at a green light who was not moving. So, mom says, "Go! It's fucking green!"

I'll give you 4 guesses at what Ayjia was saying for the rest of the day...and 3 of your guesses don't count. Need a hint? It rhymes with, "Oh, sits lucking feen!"

After you said this lovely new phrase a couple of hundred times, you decided to say something new. But, this time it was cute....and not cute as in "oh that's cute but if CPS was around I'd be embarrased" (like above), but just plain cute. So, we were driving one night and you were bored (you are SUCH a good traveler by the way!) so you decided to recite a new poem/song to yourself. See, lately we've been saying, "Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, etc." We have you finish our sentences (i.e. you would have said "fiddle" in the last sentence), but on this particular night, you decided to recite the entire first two sentences on your own! Wow...aren't you only 21 months? So, you actually said the following verbatim:

"Hey diddle, the cat and the fiddle. The cow jumped over the moon."

Blew our mind! But, something blew our mind even more than that!

See it's no secret that we've had a problem with people not knowing if you're a boy or a girl. It usually goes something like this.

Dumbass: Oh Isn't He Cute?
Mom or Dad: Yes, SHE is.
Dubmass: Oh, I'm sorry, I'm a dumbass.
Mom or Dad: Yes, you are. We're sure God will forgive you, but we won't. Please leave us alone.

OK. So, maybe the first part is made up. Seriously though, we take responsibility for some of it (we did, afterall, give you a mohawk and put you in Guns 'N Roses shirts), but sometimes people are just dumb and don't notice that you have a barette in your hair or that you're wearing a dress. But, THIS ONE has to take the cake.

This time we were on the beach and someone asked, "How old is he?" And we just weren't sure what to say, well....BECAUSE YOU WERE NAKED!!

Now, I don't know. Maybe this chicks husband has a REALLY small penis and she's not quite familiar with the male anatomy. But, even if she's never seen one, surely she can see that you, Ayjia, have the same thing downstairs that she does.

Sigh. I am predicting the end of the world soon. If you can't tell the difference between a boy and a girl when someone is naked, then no one can help you. Not even God will forgive you for that one....dumbass.