Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Random Acts of Funnies to End 2007


Here's some great quotes from Ayjia to close out the year:

1. While packaging our family Christmas cards to send out to everyone, Ayjia asked, "What about me? Where's mine?"

2. "I remember heaven, it was like God putting together a puzzle."

3. Confused, she exclaimed, "What in the name of Mike!"

4. On the way to a Christmas party with us, "I'm going to cook gooder than both of you when I'm a mom." Mom responds by asking if we can come over and eat her great food. To which Ayjia replies, "No way, silly, I'll still be living with you guys!"


Here's what Ayjia does when she plays in her room.

Happy New Year everyone! We'll be back with more antics in 2008!

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