Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Where DID you get that 'tude, lil miss?

So today, like the last 3 days, you have been sick with a high temp. Although you are sick, to the untrained Ayjia eye, one would think that you are just a little fussy. You are still tormenting the cat from hell and running amok and getting into things that are less than appropriate (i.e. the cat's litter box... patience, you'll be potty-trained soon enough, my child).

After two days of getting less than 4 hours of sleep (momma is beginning to feel like dada) I decided (at 4 am this morning) that I would take you to the doctor (your dr, Dr. Kelly, rocks). So in the wee hours of tha mornin', momma made an appointment.

Fast forward a few hours

In the waiting room of the dr's office you were running around, flirting with everyone and anyone. After 15 minutes of waiting your name was called ("attempted to be pronounced" would be a more accurate immediate description). We took you back to see Dr. Kelly. As usual, she was happy to see you and you were happy to see her. So happy, in fact, that you gave her a big smile and said "hi dere".

Dr. Kelly asked her usual questions and then we moved to the written portion of the exam... actually, she then proceeded to poke and prod you and shine lights in your eyes, squeeze your tummy like you were the Reebok pump, and stick the popcicle stick in your mouth and on your tongue. Once we got to this part you gagged and grabbed her hand and pushed it away from you. Like a good dr, Dr. Kelly stopped depressing your tongue.

Then we moved to the part where she unbuttons your shirt and puts her stethoscope on your chest to listen to you breathe. Again, you shoved the stethoscope off of you and gave her a mean and grimmacing look while letting out the "dooooon't" whine. Dr. Kelly looked at you incredulously and at that point, still grimmacing with your momma's disapproving look, you said "bu-bye". Of course, being the supportive mother that I am, I burst out laughing.
After I laughed, you thought you were pretty amusing and kept saying "bu-bye, bu-bye" and waving at Dr. Kelly. Poor Dr. Kelly. All she could do was smile and laugh and say, "Where DID you get that 'tude, lil miss?"


infinitium said...

Yup, she's a Gwen Stefani in the making alright.

Wait till she starts using happenin' phrases neither Mama nor Dada get...


Anonymous said...

I thought she was already using phrases that Mama and Dada don't get. :>

Kids these days...
